So you think you could write a novel?

yeah i would think i could- if i sat down someday and do it.
but guess what? my secondary school buddy has got to beat me to that (not that she doesnt beat me to everything, which makes me very much a loser).
so check out the consistent winner (or is she just darn lucky and i the complete opposite?) at the national library on 28 october 2006 where she'll do a book reading session and tell you more about Nanowrimo- with 18 other writers.
however, for this loser (which is i) to not take the limelight away from her (losers are generally more exciting anyway) i shall be making myself scarce. but if you spot ze person in a to-die-for (ie: darn bright) jumper, that's me!
so do turn up if you think you could really write a novel and share your thoughts and opinions with like minded individuals on 28 october 2006, 3-4.30pm at the national library at victoria street, singapore.
Hur hur indeed!
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