with the amount of work i'm currently doing, anyone would think i'm actually back in school. but truth be told? i'm doing more than i would usually do while i'm during semester time.
anyway, i'm glad that i've got so much to do. and the holidays honestly looks far more fruitful than it looked a couple of weeks ago. while everyone was worried over their exams. i was a bit stumped by how empty my holidays looked.
nothing special. no industrial training like the rest. flat. empty. B.O.R.I.N.G.
wait. dont i actually have to run two extra curriculas with printing deadlines to meet? don't i happen to have an essay waiting to be re-editted, re-submitted. don't i actually have a project to do?! suddenly it felt less empty. and i dare say, i'm glad i've earned enough salt to do all the things that have come my way this holidays.
being invited to help out for some little stuff couldn't have felt better. in fact, i've become to inspired i actually vouched that if I attained 5As/ADs this semester i'd gladly buy Jaime a trip to South Africa. and puffpuff, and okay, a lot of other people.
i suddenly had the feeling that i could achieve the promise i made at the beginning of the semester. that it didn't seem that difficult. that i wasn't that much a goner.
however, all must be put into perspective. and i do have to say that 5 As/ADs is far too much to ask of a wee person like me. who hates studying. and spend most of my time gallavanting and walking around like a druggie.
judgment day's this Wednesday. when the entire student population of the school would log on at 0750hours and C.A.M.P. on the online portal waiting for the results to flash in front of their eyes. clicking on the 'refresh' button every other minute. as 0830hours draw closer, every 30 seconds. and well, contribute to the clogging of the system.
and i'd sit here, with a wicked cup of strawberry tea, and wait patiently for the page to load. and then cry my eyes out over my less than satisfactory results. :)
in about the 400 words up there, i've just told you how my week is expected to look. and perhaps even an insight to the weeks to come.
i'm sure it'd make up the moments that i'll miss blogging about for the next couple of days.
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