Wednesday, January 12, 2005

isn't it saddening that come each january, loads of pple leave( specifically GUYs) for the army. im not having anything personal against it because it's pretty good actually to get the population combat ready. but...
OK FINE! let me stop beating around the bush. Wei Keong's enlisting on 22nd jan. quite sad. the guy (almost by 6 bus stops away) next door is entering army. this would mean the lack of possibility of starbucks, haagen daz sessions for a while. actually it's more of the sobering experience to watch people do stuff you used to, and then reflect and realized how much you have grown over time. be is for the better or for the worse. but you have changed. yup.
econs CA next wk. i cant believe how fast time flies actually. soon it will be term break, then finals, and we're on to the hols and start preparing for sem 3. time waits for no man they say.. so you have to grab the ripper by its horn and control the ride...
~One by one/Only the good die young/They’re only flying too close to the sun~
*gosh, i wish i could be one of them( but never by suicide)*


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