Friday, October 28, 2005

title: how to get sick before school re-opens.

heading: Getting the virus from a sick person.


dosage no. 1 -
share lunch, especially fried food which would aggravate the sore throat. think Fried Chicken, with loads of fat and unhealthy seasoning.

dosage no. 2 -
Expensive Milo aka Pure Chocolate Ice Blended at CB&T. ensure that all possible disgusting drop of flu-virus-overkill saliva is stirred into drink with the straw.

share straw.

you're on your way to flu haven.

dosage no. 3 -
sit dangerously close enough to stay within the highest concentration range of the virus. share a newspaper. get squished at the corner between two shelves at a bookstore(doesn't matter how big) and then start discusing and inhaling the air that is within the concentration range.

then. wait. patiently. in. hope. the. virus. would. would. their mischevious. magic.

dosage no. 4 -
share sausage bun. plus loads of snot-looking mustard. be more altruistic. offer the food to the virus carrier first, then eat it after.

there's a higher guarantee you'll get the virus after so many close highest concentration range kind of contact.

now. just. sit. back. relax. and. let. the. virus. take. effect. :)


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