Thursday, June 09, 2005

take life seriously. even if you refuse to.

So there I was, stuck at the junction between Le Meridian and the Istana( yeah that Buyong Road place cross junction), the road heading towards the CTE with this MX5( really old sports car design from Mazda) blocking the way. Thank god I’m not driving because in my tired state I would’ve thought of a way to cut just behind that car’s back so that I can get out of the irritating Orchard jam. Obviously, it’s car accident material really. And being a driver with a bloody P-plate hanging at the wind screen and rear window of my car, I’m sure witnesses would be so nice to actually call up the police immediately and then I’ll prolly end up losing my license.

After the much talked about two-year-ones-being-knocked-down-at-SB’s-favorite-slope accident, getting into a car accident is really at the Very end of my list of things to do.

The latest on the issue is that the two girls were discharged from the hospital on Monday thank goodness. But I reckon they are pretty traumatized right now. Imagine, the best way to end your first week in poly as a first year student is definitely not remembering that you got knocked down by a car by an unlicensed driver.

Well people, drive carefully. And please don’t drive without a license. As some of you may not know ( which I realized while talking to some friends) is that if one is found guilty of driving without license, it would be a very V.E.R.Y. major criminal offense( since our LSC module tells us that criminal law will be imposed though one is causing harm to only one person so long as it constitutes as something that could harm the well-being of society as a whole).

so yeah. although i've only heard about the accident( since i was not in school on that fateful friday) i'm seriously too afraid to drive for now. i think i'll only dare to get on the road when it's all quiet and peaceful and like there's no car on the road... which happens to be... in the dead of the night! fear really can get the better of me.

remembered the story of some girl who died of liver cancer. it was so terminal that she passed away almost immediately after diagnosis. happened to know a circle of friends who knew her and etc. so yeah. when it happened it really freaked the hell out of me.

and suddenly you feel the pain and stuff you get this fear. it's this silent fear that you really are not sure what it is. you just tend to wonder whether is it it? and you get really afraid. yup. guess i'm still quite afraid of what ifs.


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