Tuesday, June 14, 2005

of criticisms and comparisons

the thing is we all criticise people. however, it comes down to a point whereby we somehow or rather need to look deep within ourselves. that whether our criticism is out of objectivity. that it is not cos we are jealous, that we feel inferior towards others, but rather simply because there is room for improvement.

i've always told many that if you think you can do it better- Do it! i don't know but many do not like me for that for they see it as a challenge. a challenge to what, that i do not know. perhaps to their egos or that their sensitive fragile little hearts have cracked cos i have said that to them.

i wish i would not criticise as much as i do. however, it happens to be the one basic human behaviour that most of us fail to discard of. that despite telling others to not be critical, to not make comparisons, we actually do it. right in the presence of the person that we've just told off.

i hate it when my mom makes comparisons. obviously she never realizes that how i choose to lead my hols is sparsely different from my cousin's. that said, it does not mean that i sit around doing nothing. i actually did a lot of things during the last holidays.

let's see:
- yearbook( not much really)
- finished the entire theory book( sans three pages that i have failed to complete since the last week of school holidays)
- turning up for training and competition( which i did except for the saturday before fop and the week i fell ill)
- did run the 5kms that i said i would

so i did quite a lot! heh
ok, and much more just that i cant remember the rest
till then, then. =)


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