lattered up in Lipoderm( sunblock), fuelled with 1liter of Gatorade, driven with the intention to do the worse I could possibly do I hit the waters off 1500 Ecp Service Road. Bummer, Fairlead had to break. So I stole Col's Dad's one with the intention to place it back once I buy a new one.
So off I went again. The wind was mad by my lack of standard currently( I used to do 18 knots with no sweat). It was possibly.. about 12? maybe? And I was DYING. Not LAUGHING at the people who were all sick from the lack of ability to control their boats.
I spent the stormy parts exchanging stories about like almost everything with Jas and he was telling me how he was looking for a gay partner. Wat a liar! And Rach had to give me the ' I'm thinking about sth dirty' look most times. Today, I've officially awarded the girl with the award of 'Singlehandedly being more dirty-minded than all of us placed together'.
Then Suddenly the sun was all high and mighty in the sky again at about 1 pm. I realized that I forgot to spread Lipoderm over my neck! Jeanette was laughing mad at how red my neck was. I can't stand it! Just when I worked my butts off to get an even tan, I have to content with an uneven one... AGAIN! argh.... ( Pls allow me to be bimbotic for awhile.)
It's been a long while since I've been back there. 2 months to be exact. But it still feels nice knowing that pple remember you. I didn't get to talk to everyone but to those that I did today, I had a lot of fun... And things haven't really changed at all( Ok, that's cos I have a selected group of pple that I talk to.. I don't talk to all).
Crazy way to kill the weekend. And I'm sure I've just as well killed my ( worked my ass off for) A for IVP and the fear of getting D is finally coming true with Film Appreciation...
Enjoy your weekends while you can folks, the final timetables of exams are out.. We Don't have much more to spare...